Tag: Chickadees

Chickadees at Home in the Snag

I’ve told you about the snag we have in our front yard, saved from the axe a few years ago, per the recommendation of an arborist. I’ve watched the Flickers do their renovation work and seen them nesting in it year after year. But… Continue Reading “Chickadees at Home in the Snag”

Busy as a Chickadee on a Spring Day

We’ve had four days in a row of pure sunshine and temperatures reaching the 70’s; the sun-starved natives of the Pacific Northwest are rejoicing! The chickadees are happy too and busy excavating nests in the snag we left standing for this purpose. I hope… Continue Reading “Busy as a Chickadee on a Spring Day”

Just Another Bird Bonanza!

Not today, the backyard is mostly cold and quiet this morning. I took these pictures earlier this month, of the hummingbirds sharing their feeding station with an assortment of other birds. Sugar water to the right and suet on the left. The hummers didn’t… Continue Reading “Just Another Bird Bonanza!”

What to do on a Rainy Saturday? Backyard Birding!

I woke to thunder and lightning and pounding rain which ruined plans to meet a friend for lunch (she’d have a long drive on the freeway and we thought it best to reschedule.) Regardless of the lousy weather, the birds were out in full… Continue Reading “What to do on a Rainy Saturday? Backyard Birding!”

Sharing with the Squirrels

It’s that time of year when I put the feeders out for the birds in my backyard. I fill them with seed and suet, and both are welcomed by the chickadees, nuthatches and finches. You know who else gets their fill? These guys. Sorry… Continue Reading “Sharing with the Squirrels”

Black-Capped Chickadee

The little bird that caught my attention many years ago and turned me into a birdwatcher. Cheerful and talkative, still one of my favorites, presented first in black and white, then in living color. “A bird almost universally considered “cute” thanks to its oversized… Continue Reading “Black-Capped Chickadee”

Small Ones in the Garden

My little chickadees stopping by for a drink tiny feet gripping little wink of the eye. Tiny lavender blossoms bees on their way to work cool morning shift hot sun in the late afternoon. The best things in the garden are #Small. ~ Susanne

Splish Splash Taking a Bath – Birds in my Garden

This week has definitely gone to the birds! After several days of record-breaking temperatures, I’ve been running the sprinklers in the early morning, which has drawn even more birds than usual. So, while I sit on the deck with my coffee and camera in… Continue Reading “Splish Splash Taking a Bath – Birds in my Garden”

My Backyard Birds

In my last post I showed you the thousands of snow birds who call the Skagit Valley home during the winter. To the humans who live in the area, these are their backyard birds! My backyard on the other hand is smaller but I… Continue Reading “My Backyard Birds”

One Spring Day in Winter – New Feeders, Happy Birds

One day earlier this week, the wind and rain had finally stopped, temperatures were in the 50’s and the sun was shining. Inside the house, our carpets were being cleaned so to stay out of the way I sat in the backyard to watch… Continue Reading “One Spring Day in Winter – New Feeders, Happy Birds”