Category: Sunrise-Sunset

Soothing Pastels in Flowers and Sunsets

Some days are too full of bold, brilliant color (or no color at all) when what you really need are pastels. So here you go. Every May, Montana Clematis begins its climb upward in my backyard and I relish its soothing pink color. I… Continue Reading “Soothing Pastels in Flowers and Sunsets”

Sun Goes Down, Sun Comes Up at Paradise, Mt. Rainier

For this week’s Sunday Stills Challenge, I went searching through my archives for pictures of sunrise and sunset, since I had little to draw from so far in 2024. I intended to use multiple locations but got stuck in Paradise, at Mt Rainier. We… Continue Reading “Sun Goes Down, Sun Comes Up at Paradise, Mt. Rainier”

Looking for Red and Pink on a Green and Rainy Day

Monday, Monday and rain is falling here in the Pacific Northwest. Though I was looking for red and pink for this week’s Sunday Stills Challenge, I firstly found raindrops on green. Fortunately, the green was surrounded by red berries, and even the droplets contained… Continue Reading “Looking for Red and Pink on a Green and Rainy Day”

Nature Bests the Winter Lights at Coulon Park

Don’t you just love the unexpected? Last Saturday I went for a walk at Coulon Park to see the Winter Lights. I was there late afternoon, waiting for the lights to come on after sunset, which was to occur at 4:18 p.m. It was… Continue Reading “Nature Bests the Winter Lights at Coulon Park”

A Peaceful Sunset over Lake Crescent

One of my favorite places in the world is Olympic National Park in my home state of Washington. And one of my favorite places to visit in the park is Lake Crescent. We spent a few days there last summer and had dinner one… Continue Reading “A Peaceful Sunset over Lake Crescent”

Clouds, Glorious Clouds!

I went outside last night just before sunset to look at the clouds. I could almost hear the Hallelujah chorus! Can you hear it? ~ Susanne

Life is Better with Clouds

I love clouds. I suppose it’s a good thing as here in Seattle we get our fair share of them, though not lately. We’ve had a surprisingly lengthy dry spell this summer, so I’ve dug into my archives to find some special clouds to… Continue Reading “Life is Better with Clouds”

Things are Looking Up!

Making the ordinary, extraordinary. ~ Susanne

Sunrise and Sunset at Turtle Bay

One of the highlights of any trip to Hawaii is watching the sunset over the Pacific, or depending on where you’re staying, sunrise. Rarely do you get to enjoy both at the same location. But on our recent trip to Hawaii, we spent half… Continue Reading “Sunrise and Sunset at Turtle Bay”

Sunset over Astoria

In my last post I shared with you an unexpected moonrise over Long Beach – in fact I posted it while still on the road. Sometimes pictures burn a hole in my pocket and demand to be shared sooner than later. 😉 The next… Continue Reading “Sunset over Astoria”