Walking in a Winter Wonderland

The day after Thanksgiving we went for a drive to Federation Forest and found the evergreens dusted with snow. It was an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

It was also a surprise to find the gate to the park locked. But no matter; we left our car by the side of the road and were welcomed into the woods by the resident ranger. And though the trails were covered in snow it was mostly dry and crunchy beneath our feet.

This was only our second time to Federation Forest; the first time was earlier in the spring (here) when wildflowers adorned the trails. No wildflowers this time but there was a quiet mystery as the forest rested in the snow.

In addition to old growth Douglas-fir, Western Red Cedar, Sitka Spruce and Western Hemlock, we enjoyed glimpses of the White River, which flows from Emmons Glacier on nearby Mt Rainier.

It was a wonderful walk in a winter wonderland.

For Sunday Stills, ‘Chills.

~ Susanne


14 Comments on “Walking in a Winter Wonderland

  1. I love the ice on the branches. It’s beautiful. And snow’s such a soothing sight, everything wrapped in white.

    And if there was a forest near my house, I’d be there every day. There’s a park, but it’s not walking distance. I need two buses, and I don’t have a car. I still go there sometimes on my days off.

    These are awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thank you so much. I loved seeing the snow in the forest..We’re lucky to have many beautiful parks nearby. This one is a bit further, an hour or so south, but worth the drive.

  2. In the fourth photo it looks as if someone had sprinkled powdered sugar over the logs. Lovely effect.

  3. Gorgeous. I live in central Texas, and we don’t see much of the white stuff here–very little every few years or so. Thanks for sharing!

    • Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the walk through the forest! We always have snow in our nearby mountains but we don’t get a lot in the city. Every couple of years we get a few inches but it does seem to be increasing the last few years. Earlier this year in February we had the most I can remember, several inches that lasted a couple of weeks. I loved it! πŸ™‚