A Sure Sign of Spring – the Salmonberries are Blooming

Despite the rocky start to spring – we had snow yesterday, and wind, rain and hail last week – the salmonberries are blooming! I found these on the trail recently, on the hottest day of the year when the sun was actually shining, and lit them up from behind. (We haven’t had a day like that since.)

These beautiful berries are native to the Pacific Northwest, growing in the moist and wet forests and near stream banks. They are the berries of my childhood. When I was growing up, we had a huge patch of them near our house and we picked them in all their glorious colors – yellow-orange-red – and ate them on the spot or later with cream and sugar. Yes, we did!

They also used to grow in the Tiffany Park Woods behind our current home, before the woods were razed.

Here’s what they look like when ripening, but gold is only one of their colors.

You’ll also find them in orange, salmon and ruby red though I don’t have pictures of those in my archives. I’ll be on the lookout for them.

Sharing with Cees’ Flower of the Day.

~ Susanne

17 Comments on “A Sure Sign of Spring – the Salmonberries are Blooming

  1. How cool! I had never heard of salmonberries. It must be fun to be able to pick them and eat them on the spot!

  2. Lovely photos indeed, Susanne. We have 17C (63F) and bright sunshine today. It feels like summer in Beetley.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    • Thanks, Pete! Lucky you! Enjoy! ๐ŸŒž It seems like we’ve only had cold and rain and snow and hail all month long! I’m looking ahead to warmer days!