Wildlife from our Trip to Lake Quinault

For this week’s Sunday Stills Challenge, I thought I’d share from our recent trip to Lake Quinault on the Olympic Peninsula. Although most of the animals seemed to be tucked away for winter, I did see a lot of birds including crows. Yes, I like these intelligent birds.

This one reminds me of Narcissus, though I think he was more interested in washing his food than looking at his reflection.

This one reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock.

I also saw eagles soaring overhead, and bats feeding at dusk. But my best sighting was of a bird I’d never seen before. We were on our way back from a hike on this trail:

I’d already taken lots of pictures (no surprise there) so my dear husband asked if he could carry my camera the rest of the way. Soon after (uh-huh) I looked up and saw the tiniest owl I’d ever seen perched on a branch overhead. The little fellow was only 6 or 7 inches tall with a round little face, staring straight ahead.

“Bob,” I said quietly. “Stop. Look up. I need my camera.”

It took 10 seconds or so before I got my camera back and tried to focus on the tiny bird above. Unfortunately, I was too slow and watched him fly away. It was a Northern Pygmy Owl!

Here he is: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Northern_Pygmy-Owl/id

I did manage to get a picture of the largest herbivore in Olympic National Park, the Roosevelt Elk. We saw one the next day on our way to the Hoh Rainforest, standing by the side of the road, as still as a statue. She never once turned to look at us though we were only a few feet away. We finally realized she was fixated on a hiker walking up the road, so we moved on and gave her some peace.

I wish I could show you pictures of the bear and cougar that live here but I suppose it’s best that they remain hidden. So this will have to do.

~ Susanne

16 Comments on “Wildlife from our Trip to Lake Quinault

  1. Pingback: Sunday Stills: It’s a #Wild(Life) World – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

  2. OMG, the elk, Susanne! What a great shot! Isn’t that the way things work when you want to get that special shot, for the pygmy owl? How cool at least you saw it with your own eyes! I do agree that crows (and ravens) are super smart (I read that out of all creatures on Earth, they are #5 most intelligent!). This area looks like an amazing area for hiking and photo ops!

    • Thanks so much, Terri! It’s such a gorgeous area, the scenery so fantastic! It was great to see that tiny owl but not so great that I didn’t have my camera. 😦 Maybe next time! 🙂 And that beautiful elk was a spontaneous shot through the window with my phone. We do what we can with what we have, right? 🙂 🙂

    • Thanks so much, Pete! I enjoyed seeing the elk and the crows on the lake. And of course the owl, though I have no picture to prove it!! 😊

  3. I second John about the first photo. It’s such a surreal and ethereal shot. I bet it would make a great print.

    • Thanks so much, Graham. I haven’t printed photos for so long I almost forgot you could! Maybe I’ll start with some of my favorites.

  4. Also a crow lover here in the Willamette Valley, though fewer crows than I would like and not sure why that is. Interestingly what few crows there are near my little farm tend to deter the starlings. I love all birds but the starlings push out the little birds even when I place wild bird seed in widely separated areas, starlings being quite greedy and selfish. So every time I see crows I see fewer starlings and that’s pretty consistent. Wild bird behavior is so fascinating – even crows have their tiny enemies in groups of barn swallows who will chase off (even mob) the crows during nesting season. A never ending kaleidoscope of bird interactions.

    • Interesting. I love watching the birds interact too. I see a lot of crows here, maybe that’s why I don’t get any starlings!

  5. Aww man, that’s too bad about the pygmy owl! 🦉But at least you got to see him, so that was good. That photo of the bridge is amazing! It seems like it would make a good writing prompt…🤔

    • I couldn’t believe how soon after I handed my camera to Bob, I saw the cute little pygmy owl! Lesson learned! 🙂 And I’m glad you liked the bridge picture! 🙂