Winter Scenes in the Pacific Northwest

Just last week I was walking along the Cedar River Trail, enjoying temperatures close to 60 degrees.

Today we have our first snow of the year.Β  I like both.

Wet, sloppy snowflakes have already stopped falling and the thin layer that covered the ground is melting.

Snowdrops cling to aptly named snowberries

while I wait for them to drop.

Such is winter in the Great Northwest.

For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Winter Scenes.

~ Susanne

22 Comments on “Winter Scenes in the Pacific Northwest

  1. Winter scenes in the Pacific Northwest are absolutely stunning, thanks for sharing and have a good day πŸ˜€ Aiva

    • Thanks Pete. 😊 Yesterday’s snow was short lived but temperatures are dropping and there is more in the forecast. Looks like we’ll be having a real winter.

  2. I had to laugh. We had snow a few days ago and the forecast is for temperature in the 60’s on Sunday. The weather seems to be quite amused with itself this winter on both coasts.

  3. Beautiful scenes however most of the city of Seattle has not gotten snow. With that said some of the surrounding areas have. I just hope it doesn’t know as I don’t want the young adults I work with to suffer more than they already are. I work with homeless young adults (18-25).

    • Thanks for your comment. It’s supposed to get colder next week with possibly more snow on the way. The homeless will definitely need shelter. I hope there are enough places they can go.

      • I hope so to. I am not a big fan of the cold weather but this is the time of year I count my lucky stars as I have a roof over my head. Many people don’t realize that homeless individuals never asked to be without a home. Most of the young adults I work with aged out of the foster care system which means they had no home to live in when they turned 18. Most of the young adults I work with do work and sadly don’t earn enough money to afford a place to live and wait in upwards of 2+ years for affordable housing. Thankfully, there will be some emergency winter shelters opening up.