Tag: #Sunday Stills

Mornings in the Garden with the Cats and the Birds

I’ve always enjoyed spending time outdoors, in my garden, and lately it starts earlier in the day. As a tripod, Benji must be supervised outside, and I’ve been yielding to his demands first thing in the morning, only fair since he lost his night… Continue Reading “Mornings in the Garden with the Cats and the Birds”

Soothing Pastels in Flowers and Sunsets

Some days are too full of bold, brilliant color (or no color at all) when what you really need are pastels. So here you go. Every May, Montana Clematis begins its climb upward in my backyard and I relish its soothing pink color. I… Continue Reading “Soothing Pastels in Flowers and Sunsets”

The Beauty of the Great Outdoors – How I Survived 2020

Remember 2020 and lockdowns, quarantine and social distancing? What were we to do to keep our sanity? Thank goodness for the Great Outdoors! For this week’s Sunday Stills Challenge, celebrating the Great Outdoors month of June, I perused my photos from 2020, surprised at… Continue Reading “The Beauty of the Great Outdoors – How I Survived 2020”

Swimming Lakes from my Youth

I was inspired by this week’s Sunday Stills #Water Challenge to reflect back on some of my favorite water memories from childhood. Hicks Lake That was the name of the lake, back in the last century, and it was my favorite place to swim… Continue Reading “Swimming Lakes from my Youth”

A Gallery of Cobalt Blue

I love cobalt blue but it’s not so easy to find! So I went through my archives and found some in the most unusual places, starting with Texas! No, not in the bluebonnets, those lovely wildflowers that adorn Texas in the spring, but from… Continue Reading “A Gallery of Cobalt Blue”

Two are Better than One, Cats that is

First there was Tiger and Shadow, brothers in the flesh. They came to us at the age of five, middle aged in cat years, from a Cat Hotel where they’d been dropped off when the owner could no longer keep them. (Yes, there are… Continue Reading “Two are Better than One, Cats that is”