Frosty Leaves

Winter is coming.

Sharing with Sunday Stills and Cee’s Flower of the Day.

~ Susanne

17 Comments on “Frosty Leaves

  1. Yep, sure is here! We had graupel yesterday and then woke up to 22 degrees this morning. Our new trees are planted and will hopefully enjoy their winter’s nap! Gorgeous shots of your frosty leaves, Susanne! I just saw it on IG and posted one of my own too 🙂 The sun’s out now at 10:30am and it’s a balmy 28 degrees 🙂

    • Most of the leaves are down here now, though there are still some hangers on. The temperature changed dramatically the last few days but this is the first morning I saw frost. Winter’s on the way! 🙂

  2. 24° when I got up this morning. Hope the snow holds off until I get the snow tires on!!

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