Mornings in the Garden with the Cats and the Birds

I’ve always enjoyed spending time outdoors, in my garden, and lately it starts earlier in the day.

As a tripod, Benji must be supervised outside, and I’ve been yielding to his demands first thing in the morning, only fair since he lost his night out privileges (that got him into trouble in the first place.)

I make my coffee, grab some reading material, phone and camera, and settle down for an hour or two. Mornings are special with a cool breeze and birdsong; don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.

So what’s in my garden? Plants, of course and lots of them, a tangled mess of herbs in my garden beds to be enjoyed by cats and birds alike.

Next to it, is the shady corner bounded by the garden shed, trees, and a stream, built by my husband.

It’s a favorite spot of the birds. This chestnut-backed chickadee hangs from the branches of the Douglas Fir above, while feasting on insects.

Recently, I caught sight of a wren, collecting dinner for the young back in the birdhouse. I hadn’t even realized they’d been nesting in there.

All these are regulars as are the hummingbirds that visit throughout the day, starting at the feeder.

Afterwards they swing by the garden beds and hover, so delightful to watch, as they move about from blossom to blossom. I’m often sitting nearby, unfortunately without my camera. At least I had my phone with me this morning to capture them as best I could.

Finally, I look around and see work to be done and dig in; amazing what a little bit each day can do.

Sharing with Sunday Stills, #Plant Life in the Great Outdoors.

~ Susanne

18 Comments on “Mornings in the Garden with the Cats and the Birds

  1. Oh my, how lovely to see the different aspects of your backyard, Susanne! Aren’t you kicking yourself that you hadn’t spent as much time there? Benji is a lucky and well-loved cat and so photogenic! Your birds and flowers are stunning! So worth any efforts to enjoy this oasis. Love that short clip of the hummer!

    • Thanks so much, Terri! We had such a busy spring that I hadn’t been out as much this year as I like. Then I got forced to go out early, to keep Benji sane and happy! And I find the time in the morning is so pleasant! 🙂

  2. I wander through my garden at first light with a three-cat escort. It’s cool and quiet, the perfect start to my day.

  3. You have a great garden there, for you and the cats. I didn’t use to be a morning person, but these days I prefer an early morning walk. It’s quiet and cool and a wonderful way to ease into the day.

    • Thanks. Graham. I too am enjoying being outside in the fresh morning air. Not so sure how it will work out during winter, but fortunately, that’s a ways off yet.

  4. I’ve said it before, you have a really lovely garden! And yes, in the hot weather, the early mornings are the best time to be outside 🙂

    • Thank you so much! 😊 It’s working great in the summer, not so sure what we’ll do when winter comes! Maybe Benji won’t need as much supervision by then.

  5. Even in a small garden, there is always something going on to see. I rarely sit outside in the mornings though, as I prefer the lighter evenings of summer for that.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    • Thanks, Pete. Lots of different ‘rooms’ in my garden to be explored. I’m enjoying the morning time for now but hopefully by the time winter comes, Benji will be able to be on his own outside at least some of the time.

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