Soothing Pastels in Flowers and Sunsets

Some days are too full of bold, brilliant color (or no color at all) when what you really need are pastels.

So here you go.

Every May, Montana Clematis begins its climb upward in my backyard and I relish its soothing pink color.

I found this fragrant rose last week at Soos Creek Botanical Garden, I can almost smell its old fashioned fragrance.

No fragrance but lots of color in these tulips from the Skagit Valley earlier this year.

Sunsets often begin in pastels like this one over the Grand Canyon.

and the one below in Astoria, Oregon.

Sharing for #Sunday Stills.

~ Susanne

23 Comments on “Soothing Pastels in Flowers and Sunsets

  1. We just got caught up on Benji’s news and are glad he is doing well. We send purrayers and Power of the Paw for his continued healing and safety, as we have indoor/outdoor cats too, and much as we might want to keep them confined, a determined cat can get out.

    • Thanks so much for your comment. 😻 I’m happy to report that Benji is doing well, despite having lost outdoor privileges at least for now.

  2. Gorgeous collection of pastels, Susanne! I know you have a lot on your plate while sweet Benji recovers. Please save some sunsets/rises for next week too! Take good care of YOU, too 🙂

  3. That Astoria sunset is beautiful! We normally get orangy ones, so pink seems special!

    • It was an amazing sunset, the colors otherworldly! Unfortunately it was enhanced by the smoke of distant wildfires, a detail I failed to mention! 🙂

  4. Lovely selection Susanne. I had a Clematis Montana in a former garden and it was very robust and a great bloomer.

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