Swimming Lakes from my Youth

I was inspired by this week’s Sunday Stills #Water Challenge to reflect back on some of my favorite water memories from childhood.

Hicks Lake

That was the name of the lake, back in the last century, and it was my favorite place to swim as a child. It was a small lake in White Center (south Seattle) with a dock and low diving board. There were usually lifeguards present and you could only go past the ropes if you passed the swim test. I wasn’t a great swimmer and don’t remember having lessons, but I always passed the test.

Occasionally we would make the long, long walk to the lake. But more often, Mom would bring us kids after work on a hot summer day.

(The older I get the more appreciation I have for her driving us here and there after a busy day at work.)

She sat in the car and read while we swam and splashed around in the warm water – it was a shallow lake and the later it got on those long summer days, the warmer the water.

I went looking for Hicks Lake not too long ago (I’m nostalgic) and found it had mostly disappeared and also had a new name – Hicklin! Maybe Hicks sounded too much like, well, ‘hicks!’ I was so disappointed and the pictures I took were pathetic, so I have none to show you. Not so my next lake.

Green Lake

Before I started high school we moved to the north end of Seattle, near one of the most popular lakes in the city – Green Lake!

Summers were filled with walking around the 2.75-mile path, boating and fishing, but MOSTLY with swimming! Lifeguards were always present so there must have been swim tests there too, as I reached the dock and even braved the higher diving board!

I revisited the lake a few years ago for a fall walk (we no longer live nearby) and it was splendid.

There were still boat and paddle boat rentals.

And there in the distance – the swim beach!

I can almost feel the sun on my skin, smell the murky water, and hear the laughter, from those dog days of summer.

Happy Days! 🙂

~ Susanne

15 Comments on “Swimming Lakes from my Youth

  1. I can see the attraction of that lake just by looking at your photos, Susanne. I also spent a lot of time near the water (lakes and sea coast) when I was young, but I never learned to swim because of a near-death drowing accident when I was five. After that, I had no confidence in deep water.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    • Thanks, Pete. I remember your posts about that experience and I understand how that cured you from swimming. I never did much serious swimming, just enough to cool down on a hot summer day. And I never went out any further than I thought I could handle.

  2. Your photos are great, but they make it look like Green Lake is out in the country – for those who don’t know, it is an oasis in the heart of a busy Seattle neighborhood!

  3. What great memories of your childhood days swimming in local lakes, Susanne! Many lakes have closed their public docks in favor of not hiring lifeguards to protect people. I hope these lakes are still operating.

    Beautiful images of the lakes. I love the colors of the willows even without their leaves. Same here. Have a great weekend!

    • Thanks so much for your comment. Shame about cutting back on lifeguards. I’m close to swim beaches on Lake Washington and will take note this summer.

  4. Really late commenting. I didn’t really swim or enjoy water much growing up. I enjoyed wading in the water and other things. I still don’t enjoy swimming. These were great.

    • Thank you. 😊 I’m not a big swimmer, but I do enjoy cooling down in a pool, lake, or ocean on a hot day. So refreshing!

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