Ducks, Herons and Swallows on the Cedar River Trail

As the temperatures are heating up and summer is in full swing, I’ve enjoyed getting outside for some exercise and nature therapy. This week, I managed to get in two walks on the Cedar River Trail where it flows into Lake Washington. The first day I was greeted by a family of friendly ducks, teenagers I thought, as they headed toward me.

‘Hello,’ I said. ‘Welcome to the world! Sorry I’ve got nothing to give you and they don’t allow it anyway.’

They seemed to understand, and I continued on my way.

Further on, I stopped by the river and watched a heron standing completely still, staring into the shrubs.

I thought maybe he was facing the wrong direction, but I’m not a heron so what do I know?

He paid no attention to the kayakers going by, though he did seem to glance in my direction.

There were more herons near the bridge but too far away for me to capture with my phone. And when I returned the next day with my camera there were no herons to be found anywhere. Go figure.

There were still plenty of ducks, so I captured this family sunning themselves.

I continued my walk to the end of the trail where the river flows into the lake.

I saw swallows launching themselves from their nesting place in the boathouse.

They were too fast for me to capture in the air, but fortunately this handsome one posed for me. Isn’t he a beauty?

The duck posed for me too, bottoms up.

And that’s the end.

~ Susanne

6 Comments on “Ducks, Herons and Swallows on the Cedar River Trail

  1. You had some very nice weather for your trips, and the effort was rewarded with lovely photos.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. Looks like a great place to walk – I love that swallow and seeing herons is always a please 😀

    • It really is. Trail goes a long way in each direction but I love the north end where the river flows into the lake. So much bird activity!

  3. A lovely walk by the river there Susanne, and that end photo really is the end!