Funny Benji

For Cee’s photo challenge, Funny, I give you Benji who always makes me smile.

Whether he’s contemplating the day,

or caught in the act.

Whether coiled and ready to spring

or uncoiled and ready to sleep,

Benji enjoys life and is happy to be a cat!

Susanne and Benji

18 Comments on “Funny Benji

  1. Sooo cute!! The one where he is scratching almost looks like he is hanging upside down from the chair! That could be photoshopped into an awesome adventure scene! 😀

      • Yes you can do a lot with it, and it can be fun but also tedious. I actually use Corel Paint Shop Pro, which is similar but cheaper, but I always use the term “photoshop”…kind of like we say “Kleenex” for any type of tissues 😋😋

      • Thanks! Good to know! I’ve been thinking of getting some kind of photo software, but Photoshop seemed kind of complicated and sold by a subscription which I’d rather not get into.

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