Cozy Benji Inside and Out

I can’t think of anything cozier than Benji on my lap.

Whether inside.

Or out.

Sharing with Sunday Stills Cozy.

~ Susanne

27 Comments on “Cozy Benji Inside and Out

  1. Ollie doesn’t lie on laps. He just stands next to me to be stroked. Not the same at all. πŸ™‚
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. There’s truly nothing cosier than a cat curled up on your lap, and Benji looks so comfortable there 😻

  3. Our puppy likes to curl up on my lap for about five seconds before she needs to bite my sweater!

      • He is, but he isn’t as much into being on peoples laps as he was when he was a kitten. But he generally wants to be wherever I am, and enjoys being scratched, brushed and petted. 😻

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