Tag: 3 legged cats

Thank You from Benji

When my sweet boy was injured and became a tripod kitty (here if you missed it), I received many wonderful well wishes from cats and humans alike. “Tell them, I appreciate it, Sue.” “Absolutely, Benji. A big thanks to all!” And a special thanks… Continue Reading “Thank You from Benji”

Life is full of Adjustments, Just ask Benji

I don’t know if I would have adapted as well as Benji had I lost a limb, but that boy is adjusting well. The surgery was three weeks ago, and the stitches and bandage removed one week ago. His right back leg is gone,… Continue Reading “Life is full of Adjustments, Just ask Benji”

Time to Tell You About Benji

First of all, he’s as sweet as ever and adjusting to his new normal. It’s been a rough road the past couple weeks and I’m finally ready to tell you the story. “Is it okay with you, Benji?” “Sure, Sue. Just no bad pictures… Continue Reading “Time to Tell You About Benji”