In the Garden with the Cats and the Birds

It’s different than it was, but I still enjoy spending time in the garden with the cats and the birds.

Tiger is free to go outside by himself, but Benji must be supervised.

I’m hoping he can learn from Tiger to stay safely within the confines of the backyard. There’s plenty of space to sit and ponder, nibble on the grass and the catmint, and watch the birds (who stand a better chance of survival now that Benji is slower to the chase.)

The side hedge makes a nice screen and is a favorite place for house finches to nest.

I love listening to their birdsong and watching their courtship. The males have a beautiful red crown, face and upper breast.

The female’s garb is bland but she’s still attractive to the male. Here she’s lit up by maple leaves behind her; I had to brighten them to see her more clearly in the shadows.

Unfortunately, the bottom of the hedge is a tangle of branches and ivy, with tunnels and pathways from which an adventurous cat might escape (and did.)

We’re still trying to figure out how to plug those gaps. In the meantime, there are supervised visits a couple times a day for Benji, not quite as relaxed as it once was for both of us, but still pleasant.

~ Susanne

23 Comments on “In the Garden with the Cats and the Birds

  1. Your backyard is so beautiful! I love it, Susanne. I’m glad that Benji is doing well. I wish I could help figure out how to plug the escape holes. 😊😻

    • Thanks so much. We’re going to have to do some crawling around the hedge to find those escape routes. It may be impossible, but we’re going to keep trying!

  2. I just read an article about a three-legged lion who, along with his brother, swam nearly a mile across the crocodile and hippo infested Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park, in Uganda. Of course, they were intact (except for one leg) males in search of mates, so may have been more motivated than Benji is to roam.

    • I’m not surprised the three-legged lion could make that journey based on how quickly I’ve seen Benji adapt. Benji has always been adventurous so I’m still worried about him escaping, mainly because he’s less equipped now to defend himself or get away from other cats who also may be out roaming.

  3. Great photos! I hope Benji can enjoy the supervised outdoors and you can devise a way to keep him in the yard!!

  4. You have a lovely garden! I hope you find a way to persuade (or enforce) Benji to stay within its confines, as there must be plenty to amuse him there. But he clearly has an adventurous, wandering spirit and may always want to discover what is on the other side of the fence!

  5. What a beautiful yard you have that attracts the birds, Susanne. I’m sure Benji will find his groove but slow down a bit. Love the house finches. They love our yard, no cats, but a bird dog who thinks he must chase them. 🤔

    Sadly there are scores of feral cats nearby, and Brodie has no problem scaring them out of the yard. Your kitties look content and happy!

    • Thanks so much, Terri. Benji is doing very well all things considered and seems as happy as before, minus going in and out all day and night whenever he wants! 😸 I’m taking him outside a couple times a day and he appreciates it. They are both contented cats and enjoy wandering in the garden and watching the birds. 😺

  6. Zoe refuses to go out to use the bathroom without one of us, so I too have been spending a lot of time in our yard. I certainly hope you can find a way to keep Benji safe. In the meantime you and I can both enjoy the outdoors!

    • Yes, indeed, I’m going out more often without getting much done. But Benji’s worth it till we figure out something else. 😊

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