Home again, Home again, and the Cats are Happy

Even though they’re well cared for while we’re gone, the boys are so happy when we come home.

But it takes them a while to get back to normal.

“You needn’t worry so, Tiger. We will always come back. I even thought of you while we were gone.”

“You did, Sue?”

“Absolutely, Tiger. When I saw this picture, I thought of you. All you need is the glasses.”

“Aw thanks, Sue. I can relax now. Welcome back.”

“And Benji, I thought of you immediately when I saw this one. You are nothing short of a super cat.”

“Thanks, Sue, I do my best. We sure do miss you when you’re gone.”

“I know you do, Benj. But I’m home now. This lap’s for you.”

“Thanks, Sue. I’m on it.”

It’s good to be back home.

~ Susanne

20 Comments on “Home again, Home again, and the Cats are Happy

  1. I love to visit new places, but there’s nothing quite like coming home. It’s easier for Ollie, as we usually take him with us, and he rarely gets left with anyone. Cats are more able to cope of course. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    • Exactly! love to travel but there’s no place like home. The cats do okay while we’re gone but they really do miss us for their emotional well-being! And to be their doorman, of course!

  2. After all this time of wishing I had a cat to curl up like you do, it turns out that our new dog thinks she is a cat! She spends endless time on, under or next to us. LOL. Loved the two art pieces of the cats. Priceless.

    • Thanks so much for your comment! I’m so glad you enjoyed the kitties today, including the art! I’m also glad you found your little dog to meet your cat-needs! 😉

  3. Our kitty lets us know he’s upset at us for leaving by ignoring us for an hour or two, but by bedtime all is forgiven and he’s in a snuggling mood. Lap cats are certainly a blessing.

    • Yes, Benji is able to get over it quickly, and wants to love and snuggle. Tiger takes a bit longer, but he finally comes around, too!

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