Poor Tiger – A Conversation


“Yes, Sue?”

“About yesterday…..”

“Yes, Sue?”

“Just an apology of sorts Tiger.  I want you to know that I didn’t really want to coax you into the box but sometimes we do what we must rather than what we want.”

“You know how I hate the box, Sue ”

“Yes I do Tiger. Your howling told me so.  But the good news is, you’re all up to date.   No more trips to the Vet for many years to come – cat years that is.”

“Glad to know, Sue. But I still don’t see why it was necessary. I’m healthy and happy, you know that.”

“Right Tiger. But I hope to keep you that way. So anyway, you can relax now and go back to what you were doing.”

“Thanks Sue.”

~ Susanne

12 Comments on “Poor Tiger – A Conversation

  1. Ollie has to go to the groomer tomorrow, and the vet later this week. Fortunately, he doesn’t have to travel in a box.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    • Dogs are a bit easier in this regard. Tiger freaked out when we put him in the box and I was tempted to cancel the appointment. Fortunately we both survived! 😁🐱

  2. These conversations are always entertaining. My best friend of almost 40 years is a vet who does house calls two days a week. Sounds so small town, right? Although it’s more expensive, it’s a great option for older pets and the easily traumatized!

    • Yes, it’s better though Tiger hides whenever someone comes to the house so I don’t know if we would him! I used at home vet services for my sweet kitty Annie who lived almost 21 years. When it was time to let her go the vet came to our home and she went peacefully. Still hard, though.

      • Wow, you were so fortunate to have 21 years with sweet Annie. I’ve never known anyone to have a cat live that long. I will say though, my neighbors for whom I pet-sat last week have four cats, one is 15 and still scales the porch post up to their second story deck. Love that cat!