Backyard Interlude and Benji

I gathered up my writing materials, my camera and my memories and headed outside to ponder last week’s trip to Olympic National Park. I would review the brochures, look at my pictures and develop the coming stories. On the Quinault Rainforest. On the world’s largest Spruce tree. On magnificent Ruby Beach.

The weather was perfect and there was a slight breeze blowing as I sat down in my Adirondack chair, stream flowing. Rather than writing at my desk in my office on this beautiful summer day, I would write in my garden.

Then Benji appeared. Sweet boy. He missed me while we were gone and I owed him some attention. Somehow I could pet the cat, fill my paper with beautiful prose, and relax by the stream too.

Then the slight breeze began to lift my papers into the air. And Benji became distracted.

And distracting.

So I am back at my desk writing this.

And will save the Rainforest for tomorrow.

~ Susanne & Benji

10 Comments on “Backyard Interlude and Benji

  1. Ollie doesn’t like it when I read a magazine, or sit writing on paper. He always interferes when he sees that. πŸ™‚
    Best wishes, Pete.