They’re Back

After an interminably long and dry summer the rain and clouds have returned to the Pacific Northwest just in time to welcome fall. Though we desperately needed the rain, the change was rather abrupt and will take some getting used to.  Still, I love the clouds.

~ Susanne

8 Comments on “They’re Back

  1. Yes, I was so happy to see such beautiful clouds (instead of smoke) last night, and the bright contour of evening light on the hills! Cumulo-nimbus clouds are gathering now, and I look forward to more rain!

  2. Yes, we’ve had a few more of those this week, too 🙂 Woke just before 5 this morning to thunder and lightning and the rain hammering down. As with you, Romania desperately needs the rain, so I’d be happy to see a bit more of it, but it soon seems to take itself off somewhere else. Things to do, places to go, obviously 😉

    • We had the hammering rain last night too. It’s surprising to me how quickly everything changes, from long, golden, sunny days to cool, rainy, and gray ones. But I do love the changing of the seasons! 🙂