Benji the Destroyer

Benji is a very cute and soft kitten.  Looks can be deceiving.

Benji is also an active kitten and destroyer of small objects.  Case in point.

The perch.

The perch above serviced several cats before Benji arrived on the scene.  None of them chewed off the edge as Benji was compelled to do. Please note the boy is well fed and has no need for additional roughage in his diet.

Second case in point.

The troll doll.

I have taken to collecting objects from my childhood and had been on the lookout for a small troll doll with orange hair.  (It reminds me of the day when the ground shook at school during the 1965 Seattle earthquake . Collectibles are like that, bringing memories to the front.  But excuse me, I digress.)

So I recently found a troll doll with yellow hair in a collectible store and I brought it home and placed it on a shelf in my office.  I like yellow as much as or more than orange.  It would do nicely until an orange one could be found.

After some time I noticed the doll was missing and found it later under my desk.  I was slow to understand and returned it to the shelf.  The next time it disappeared I found it after a few days behind my chair.  Back to the shelf it went. Then one day I came upon Benji carrying off the poor doll as prey. This time I hid it in the closet.  Unfortunately the closet door is sometimes open and therefore inviting. Thus I found the doll on the closet floor with the hair increasingly unattached to the scalp.

Fortunately through all this, the troll doll is still smiling.  So am I.

~  Susanne

9 Comments on “Benji the Destroyer

  1. Like a red rag is to a bull, a yellow-haired troll is to a cat…
    I remember those dolls. My Mum loved them and had some really big ones too, as well as the tiny ones. I thought they were a little creepy myself, but they are evocative of an era.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. I had a white-haired troll that met the identical fate long ago. . . my childhood cat was the agent of alopecia. 😐